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Witches Gulch River BendLooking Down on Matthiesen State Park - Illinois"Garden of the Gods" 2 - Colorado Springs, COLas Vegas Red Rock Canyon During SunsetLas Vegas Red Rock Canyon IIQuiraing or Cuith-Raing - Isle of Skye, Scotland, UKKilt Rock Waterfall - Isle of Skye, ScotlandRed Rocks Park 01 - Morrison, Colorado (Near Denver)Isle of Skye - From Near The Old Man of Storr, Overlooking the Sound of RaasayA Wall in Northern Skye - ScotlandQuiraing Pass - The Road from Uig to Staffin on the Isle of SkyeA Stop Along the Road in ScotlandThe Quiraing 3A stop in Northern SkyeJuly Flooding Reflections 02July Flooding Reflections 01A Stream 750 Feet Underground - Carlsbad Caverns750 Feet Underground - Carlsbad Caverns 03Pewit's Nest Gorge - Devil’s Lake State Park, Wisconsin (Near Baraboo)Desert Sunset in Northern New Mexico